The rules are simple:
1. I take a picture of everything I eat
2. if I bought it I tell you where

3. tell you if I liked it

Friday, April 30, 2010

You Are What You Eat

You are what you eat. It is such a well known fact that no one can tell you who first said it. This made me start thinking about my own relationship with food and what I actually put in my mouth for nourishment. My goal is to take a picture of every thing I eat for the next 365 days. During this time I will:
  1. Take photos of every food I eat

  2. If the food is purchased I'll tell you where I got it

  3. I'll also let you know if it was yummy or not. There is no promise of all out reviews just something like: yes this was tasty or what the hell was I thinking
I live on Nob Hill in San Francisco and I love to cook and eat food. That's about all I'm going to tell you about myself. I have a feeling in 365 days we'll all know a lot about me 'cos we'll know what I eat.